Wednesday, May 29, 2019

4 Steps to Become a Successful Spotify Artist with Spotify Promotion Packages

According to recent reports, music streaming services contribute almost 50 percent of the industry revenue. Also, there has been a great change in the revenue charts of the aspiring artists who have used some of the influencing streaming sites to promote their music. One of the trending streaming sites that are literally giving success goals to the aspiring and independent artists has to be Spotify.

However, with numerous artists choosing this platform as a promotional medium, competition is tough than expected and just dropping their music pieces and projects are not enough. Most of the artists take the resort of Spotify promotion packages offered by different music promotion service providers but even if they are buying them, deploying certain factors are the keys to attain popularity in Spotify. Here are a few steps that every new artist on the gala must follow-

Drop Your Music in Spotify:

It might sound obvious but as an artist, if your Spotify gala is empty you cannot expect to attain popularity and fame. Unlike other music streaming sites like SoundCloud, Bandcamp or YouTube, Spotify subscription does not allow artists to directly drop their tracks for free. The distribution is generally handled by the recording label. Also if an artist is new o independent, there is a need to involve a third-party in order to get their music on Spotify.

Drop Your Music is other Places as well:

No doubt Spotify is the top-notch music streaming gala right now but it doesn’t mean that it is only the place to pay attention. Don’t forget the other two players- YouTube and SoundCloud. These two sites are already in the hit list of the music fanatics and even if Spotify gets a bit more traffic, YouTube and SoundCloud are the toughest competitors. It is also the primary venues for all aspiring and established musicians from all over the world.

Make it to The Music Blogs and Other Written Publications:

It has almost become a trend that no matter we watch a movie or listen to a new track by a singer, we look for reviews and blogs about the intended artist or musician. Getting into the good books of music bloggers and journalists must be one of your key concerns if you are willing to take your career into the next level. Media coverage is certainly significant and once online readers who are music lovers get to know about a new artist through blogs and reviews, it is directly going to have an impact on the artist’s profile.

Start Building Your Playlists:

The best way to build your audience in Spotify is to create a playlist loaded with a good number of selective tracks. However, you need to assure that your playlist is well-constructed. Connecting with the music nerds is indeed possible by curating a playlist.

In a nutshell, the above points will definitely help you to kickstart your music career in Spotify. Also, promotional packages give a boost and make it easier for Spotify artists to become the talk of the music town.


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